Monday, 20 July 2009

The agony and the ecstasy

There are times we are up and really up ! It's a mountain top experience and we are rejoicing, it seems all faith makes sense and God is love becomes our anthem! We sing and our neighbours think we have won the lottery! It's joy unspeakable and full of glory! Those are great times and how I wish life could always remain that way, but alas-it ain't that easy!

There are also days that we sigh, cry, moan, complain, refrain, and run into castles of despair that even have dungeons of discouragement! Ah hah! Where is God now? Where is the joy! We have forgotten the way to sing, our throats can hardly be cleared! What has gone wrong? Hmmm brothers and sisters- LIFE IS NOT A BED OF ROSES! THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY are all part of what makes life worth the living.

If you are in the light- REJOICE! But if you are in the DARK SHADES! Still rejoice because NO CONDITION in YOUR LIFE WILL BE PERMANENT, THE ONLY CONSTANT THING IS CHANGE!

May the GOOD LORD help us in the changing scenes of life! I want to trust HIM at all times!

My times my times are in Thy hand
Whatever, they may be
Pleasing or Painful
Dark or Bright
As best, may seem to thee
-from one of my favourite songs

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